Wednesday, May 6, 2009

daniel in drumline and with his new GIRLFRIEND!!!

daniel has a girlfriend!!!!!!!! he asked arden for some advice on how to ask her 'out' and i guess she gave him good advice cause the girl said YES!!!!! so now they are going out!!!! i was wondering how her parents would take the news...... and their response blew me away!!! they gave me info on the summer camps that leah will be attending this summer and said here are forms for daniel to fill out if he would like to go to them too!!!! whoa!!!!! im wondering what they will share with me next time we get to talk ........ the colors leah would like to have at her wedding??? OMGosh!!!!!!!! this is waaaaaaaaayyyyy more serious than i ever thought it would be!!!! but im just glad that daniel is confident enough to have a girlfriend!!! that is huge!!!!!!

so anyways - on to the important stuff - the drumline performed at daniel's band concert last night and daniel was incredible!!!!!!!! wish everyone could have been there to see it!!!!

and then there is the pic of daniel with his girlfriend leah - who by the way plays the flute!!!

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