Sunday, February 10, 2008

i dyed my hair!!

a whole group of my sisters from my Christian Scrapbooking Sisters computer group decided to "dye" to themselves this weekend and have a mass hair dying party!!!! i was getting a few too many grey hairs - so i decided to join in on the fun and do my hair too!!! here are the results.... the before, during and after..... it turned way too dark - and the grey hairs are STILL showing!!! so not a perfect dye job - but not too bad either!!


Ishadow said...

wonderful job! I'm off to do mine in a bit.

for the gray still showing... I have to leave mine on for 45 mins for it to take.

Dan Cooper said...

I could use a little dye myself!! Think you could give me a hand?

You are beautiful, dye or no dye Terri Shayn